Retrans Breakthrough: Real Reform Now on Horizon

Sep 12, 2013

Critical Mass of Members of Congress Now Calling for Changes to Video Rules

Washington, D.C. September 11, 2013 — After years of making noise, consumers and companies calling for retransmission consent reform are on the cusp of much-needed change. This has been a watershed week for reform. Between Ranking Member Eshoo’s Video CHOICE Act to Chairman Walden’s opening statement at today’s video hearing to the comments of numerous members of Congress in the last two days, there is no longer any doubt that retrans reform is coming. Now it’s just a matter of what that reform should be.

From their flip-flops on what constitutes “fair value” of content to their broken promises that retrans would not be a “network issue,” the broadcasters have shown that they only care about their bottom line. They will continue to float conspiracy theories and fly the phony flag of localism, but it’s obvious that they are working against the interests of the 90% of Americans who choose to pay for TV.

We applaud the leaders in Congress like Chairman Walden, Ranking Member Eshoo, and Rep. Scalise who have recognized that retrans reform is needed.